Podcast Episode 14

#14: Entrepreneur & TV Presenter Johny Pach Talks To Liam Norval. Hospitality success is a life long journey not just a destination

Welcome to our podcast show! We sincerely hope that you are managing to find new ways to cope with these difficult and unprecedented times. In this episode our host, Johnathan Pach, shares a chat with Liam Norval, the founder and CEO of Posh Cockney, presenter on the Posh Cockney Podcast, and Ex-Director of Marketing for Café de Paris in London (to highlight but a few of his achievements). The duo discuss business during lockdown, and Liam considers how his business has remained successful in spite of the restrictive nature of the lockdown. Liam and Johny also discuss their friendship, and reminisce over special memories.

Liam goes on to reminisce a little further by giving details about his emergence into the hospitality sector. He recalls his time as a professional footballer and goes on to explain his journey into the sector. He also gives his thoughts on how the sector will be change once the country begins to open up again. The duo then go on to discuss the Posh Cockney brand, the wonders of podcasting, and how to succeed in the hospitality sector. Liam is a major name within the hospitality industry, so we really recommend taking his comments on board. We hope you enjoy the show!

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